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HM 241

I want my 241 system to record 24/7 and flag motion. I can’t see how do do this. I did install a hard drive and it is recording but not flagging motion. Anyone have any direction on how to do this?

Thank you


  • Sorry, Cindymary, what you mean is that the Capture Motion Alert does not work?

  • When doing the Video playback there is video but there is nothing to show when motion has been detected is to narrow down the time someone or something has been in the yard. I haven’t set up the motion alert on my phone yet but using our tv as a monitor. I installed and formatted the hard drive and it says it is set for motion

    thanks so much

  • I am having similar problems. I have the HM241 and have been trying to get it to DETECT motion and send me an email. It does it "sometimes" but mostly only when a person is directly under the camera or with in 2 feet of it. I CANNOT get anyone in Messenger tech support to tell me what the range of the camera is? I know it records the motion but it does NOT detect it and alert me. So what good is that if I am UNAWARE of when some one is at my door?

    The Video playback is not easy to use. Have you tried unchecking each box EXCPEPT the one you are trying to view? Then hit search and notice a list of items in the lower right hand box? then click on them and maybe you will see the playback?

    Also, did you go into Channel and select the camera you are working on and tell it under RECORD to record motion and when?

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