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HM311 WIFI setup with Linux only


How do you configure Wireless SSID and password settings on the HM311 using just Linux OS and a direct LAN connection?


I do not want to use the heimlink app to setup the camera. I know It is posible to do this on a phone with android but you must create an account on your site with the device registered on your site. For security reason I want a local configuration only - I do not want to send my WIFI details to your server nor do I want your servers to have access to my camera in any way.

So far I have discovered the RTSP stream on the a direct LAN connection and that works for viewing video.Now I would like to configure WIFI settings without using your app. I can can connect to the HM311 in AP mode. I would like to configure the WIFI settings. If you can provide the technical instructions I can write my own software to do this.

With nmap I can http,rtsp,vcom-tunnel and open sd services.

Opening http in a webbrowser just results in a connection reset message after asking for a userid and password.

Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-08-26 20:35 EDT

Nmap scan report for catcamhd.localnet (

Host is up (0.015s latency).

Not shown: 996 closed ports


80/tcp  open http

554/tcp open rtsp

8001/tcp open vcom-tunnel

9876/tcp open sd

MAC Address: 68:B9:D3:83:80:D7 (Unknown)


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